Monday, May 21, 2007


* The index and page numbers may not follow the order of this blog.

Age of Enlightenment, - 70
Age of Reason, 51
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 6
AMA, 56 -
al-Maliki, 76, 77
al Qaeda, 4, 16, 18, 37, 74 81 -
al sadr, Moqtada, 76
Anti-Trust Law- 34, 55
Armey, Richard 83
Aschcroft, Attorney General, 61
Aspin, Les, 53
Association for Global New Thought- AGNT, 70
Ayatollah Khomeni, 76

Bancroft, George, 67
Baker, James, 82
Bentsen, Lloyd- 53
Berlin Wall-vi
Biden, Senator, vii
Blair, Tony, 75
Buddhism, 29, 37, 40, 70
Buffitt, Warren, 37, 55. 96
Bush, George W. iii,iv,vi,vii,viii, 2,7,8,9, 15, 16
17, 18, 20, 23, 36, 37, 40,42,48, 51, 83, 56, 60
61, 73, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 93, 95, 97
Bush, George H.W. - 15, 21, 81, 94
Byrd, Richard Sen. 83

CBS- iii, 7, 59, 98
CIA-17, 80, 94
C-Span- vii, 23, 24,41,45,88,95
Card, Andrew, 53
Carnegie, Andrew, 72
Carter, Jimmy -ii, 73,
Castro, Fidel, 8
Chase Bank, 58
Chavez, Venezuela 8, 47
Cheney Dick, v, vi, vii,15,16,20,37,53,77,95,98
Cirincione, Diane , 29
Clarke, Richard -16
Clinton, Bill, iv, v, viii, 17, 55, 60, 61, 73, 74,
81, 95, 97
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 17, 95
Clooney, George- 96
Microsoft, 55, General Motors, 65
Exxon-Mobil 7, 18, 55, 57, 58
Sears, 58
American Tobacco, 54
DuPont,, 54
Delphi Auto Parts, 95
Com Ed, Intel, General Electric, 55
Toyota, IBM, 58
Earthlink, 56
Monsanto , 56, 58
Enron, 57
Nicor, 55
MCI, 57, 58
General Eectric, Kodak, Pfizer, Unocal,
Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, Roche
Pharmaceutical, Sears, 58
Corporate Mergers, 55
Afghanistan, 15, 37,74, 75, 81, 93
Brazil-, 39, 55, 56
China- ii, vii, 3, 5, 9, 11, 40, 41, 49, 55, 59
Egypt, v, 21, 39, 49, 70
Japan, 5, 24, 55
Mexico , immigration, 4, 5, 6, 55
Nigeria, v, 8, 9
Monaco 73
Pakistan 5, 59
Saudi Arabia v, 63
Spain, 24, 37
Tibet, 34
Turkey v, 18, 19
Yemen 4, 63
Cunningham, David, 97

Dalai Lama, 3
Damascus, 34
Darfur, 3
DaVinci Code, 31
Dead Sea Scrolls 85-90
DeLay, Tom, 70
Deloite/Touche, 57
Doctors Without Borders, 51
Dubai, vii

Einstein, Albert, 40
Evans, Donald, 53

Falwell, Jerry, 36
FBI, 62
Feingold, Senator, iii
Feinstein, Diane Senator, 25
Fields, Barbara, 72, 73
FEMA, 2 95
Fleischer, Ari, 94
Freidan, Betty, ii

Gandhi, Mahatma ii, 72
Gandhi, Ela 7
Gandhi, Arun 72
Gandhi, Sunanda 72
Garibaldi, Giseppi, 25
Gates, Bill, Melinda, 39, 96,
Gates, Robert, 81
Generals, 75
Eisenhower, Dwight, 25, 36, 55
Haig, Alexander, 79
Lee, Robert E., 25
McArthur, Douglas 25
Montgomery, 25
Pacepa, Ion Mihai, 79
Pershing, 25
Rommel, 25
Sakharovsky, Aleksndr, 78
Washington, George 25, 49
Gergen, David, 96
G.I.Bill of Rights, 40
Gingrich, Newt 41
Gorbachev, Mikail, ii,
Gonzales, Albert, 61, 62, 96
Gore, Albert, 2, 16
Grass Roots Poll, vi
Greek Philosphers 66,67

Hamilton, Alexander 54
Hamilton, Lee, 82
Hanson, Jim, iii
Hatch, Orrin, 25
Hezbollah, 74, 79, 80
Hebrew Scriptures, 33
Hitler, 11, 37
Holocaust, 39
Home Schooling, 40
Homeland Security, iii, 2, 20, 21, 61
Hubbard, Barbara Marx 29
Hunter, Willliam 49
Humana 48
Hussein,Sadam v, 8, 11, 17, 18, 6, 76, 77, 71
Hyde, Henry, vii
Iraq, Study Group 81
IRS, 35
Israel/Arab Conflict, 77-80

Jackson, Andrew, 54
Jains , 29, 33, 37
Jampolski, Gerald.M.D. 29
Jesus, 29, 30, 32, 32, 33
Jordan, Vernon 82

Katrina hurricane, 2, 5, 20, 95
Katami, Mohammad, 76
Kerr-McGee Corp. 8
Kerry, John, iv
King, Martin Luther, Jr., ii, 72
Bismarck, 49
David, 30,
Ferdinand, 36
Carlos, Juan, 24
Charles 1, 40
Constantine , 30
Farouk, 78
Henry 11, 70
James, 70
Philip II, 36
Tsar Nicholas 71
KIPP, 1 43
Kochba, Simon Bar, 35
Kucinich, Dennis, 72

Lay, Ken 57
Leno, Jay , 95
Levade, Wm, Monsignor, 32
Lincoln, Abraham, ii, 51

Magdalene, Mary, 32
Matthews, Chris , 94
Marshall Plan 49
Marx, Karl, 71
McCain, John, Senator, iii, vii, 75, 82, 97
Mecca 34
Medicaid, 48
Medina Charter , 33, 77
Meese, Edwin, 82
Military Acadamies, 67, 68
Milliken , 57
Miller, George Rep. 8
Mohammed 33, 34
Monarchies , current 24
Morales, Evo 8
Moore, Michael, 59
Musharraf, Pevez, 74

Nally, Dennis 56
Napoleon , 67
National Rifle Assoc. 23
New thought
Nixon , Richard , 61, 94
Nobel Peace Prize , ii, 3, 84

Obama,, Barak 24, 58
Oceans,1 2
O’Day Connors, Sandra 82
Olypics, 2
Osama bin Laden , iv, v, vi, 16, 17, 18,
20, 37, 75, 97
O’Neill, Paul , 53

Parks, Rosa . ii
Patriot Act, 21, 61
Pentagon. vi
Penn, William 71
Philosophers, 21, 22, 71
Powell, Colin, v, 16, 28, 53
Pontifical Biblical Cmte. , 32
Popes: 32, 37
Putin, Vladimir , 79

Quakers , 29, 36
Catherine , 49
Elizabeth I and 1I. 70, 79
Mary, 36
Qumran , 32

Ramgbin, Ashish, 72
Raymond, Lee, 7
Reagan, Ronald ii, 50
Reich, Robert 53
Religion, number of adherents, 28
Rhodes, Cecil , 8
Rice, Condolezza , v, 16, 18, 53, 76, 77, 94
Robertson, Pat 36
Roman Medicine , 40
Roosevelt, Theodore , 54
Rubin, Robert , 53
Rumsfeld. Donald, v, vi, at, 16, 53, 82, 96
Rush, Benjamin 49
Russia, 37, 187, 239
Ryan, George IL Gov. 63

Sarbanes-Oxley, 57
Schwartzenager, Arnold CA. Gov. 51
Shadow Participation, education , 39
Sheehan, Cindy, 98
Sherman, John , 54
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 54
Simon, Paul , 63
Simpson, Alan 82
Skilling, Jeff , 57
Smith, Nicole 62
Soccer Moms, vi
Spelling, Margaret 41
Stem cell research 51
Stewart, Martha , 64
Stuart, Jon, 95

Taliban, v, 16, 74, 76, 77
Teasdale, Wayne Brother, 38
Teller, Edward, Dr. 40
Terrorism, recent history, 78, 79
Thomas, Helen, 94., 95
Tiananmen Square, 2

United Nations, v, 3, 11, 17, 51, 73, 75
United States :
Supreme Court Court , iv, 61, 62
Congress, iv, 4, 5, 7, 9, 18, 19, 20,
21, 23, 24, 60, 61
Constitution, v, vi, 18, 20, 24, 37, 40, 60

Vatican , 32,
Von Braun , 4-

WTO, 56, 79
Wade, Mitchell , 97
Walesa, Lech , ii
Ancient, 12, 35
U.S. , 13, 14, 15
Cost, 15
Religious , 35,36, 37
Battles Sieges, 13
Persian Gulf , 15
Invasion of Iraq, 75, 76, 77
Williamson, Marianne, 73
Willis, Gary 92, 93
Wilson, Woodrow, 54
Wolfowitz, Paul, 96
Woodword, Bob, 94
World Court , 65
World Economc Forum, vi, 17

Zarqawi, Abu Mussaud, 37, 75

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